Monthly Archives: July 2010

Reblogged from Clarissa’s tumblr blog

Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.
– Ida Scott Taylor –

. the turtle dove project .

Just to share with all friends & readers – We scored a tiny feature on The Turtle Dove Project! This little inspirational blog reminds me to continue loving my guy, despite our differences and the many challenges that we face in our lives. To quote Holly Wieler from Norfolk, “Oh, for goodness sakes; let yourself fall out of love! There is simply nothing quite like falling back into it!

. it made me smile .

Just before I forget, I just wanted to say how this friend of mine did the sweetest thing ever and created a powerpoint presentation of a series of breath-taking pictures of nature … All because I was having an extremely rough day. It might seem nothing too extravagant, but it’s simple yet heart-warming gesture like this that makes me cherish this little thing called “Friendship“. Thank you so much for sharing a little of your times at this haven with these scenic pictures!  =)

. here’s to happiness #1 .

* photo from Getty Images

10 things that make me happy

  1. Coming home to the wagging tails of my dogs, Archie & Frosty
  2. Cookout Sundays, when the boy and I will whip up home-cooked meals for ourselves and the dogs
  3. Receiving surprises in my mailbox, especially postcards!
  4. Waking up, in the arms of the boy. If only we could do this every day …
  5. Vintage and quaint trinkets
  6. Inspirational quotes
  7. Breathtaking pictures of nature
  8. A stroll in the neighbourhood with the boy and the dogs
  9. CSI Marathon
  10. Taking beautiful pictures

. The boy in “Can You Serve?” .

The boy’s cameo in the final episode of “Can You Serve?“. His 5 seconds of show time on TV.

. belle maison .

Don’t you just love all things beautiful? Belle Maison, which also means “Beautiful Home” in french, offers a treasure trove of handmade, kitschy and vintage trinkets. Yes, the stuff that fluffy romance is made of. Just a couple weeks back, I got my BFF and myself a pair of lovely and delicate ribbon necklace in Tiffany Blue and Baby Pink. Finders keepers. Check out Belle Maison !

. Project YOU .

A couple weeks back, I received a surprise package in my mail! And, yes… The heart-shaped pair of sunglasses from Project You has finally arrived! Work, amongst other commitments, had pretty much kept me very occupied thus leaving me with little time to blog. So, my greatest apologies to Alyssa for making her wait so long for this entry.

So, what’s the deal with this pair of sunglasses anyway? Well, Alyssa ( the genius who came up with the website Project You) was inspired by the idea behind the movie, “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” and thus decided to come up with her very own “Sisterhood of the Traveling Sunglasses“! With that, she posted out 2 pairs of glasses around the world so that each and every of the project you member will get a chance to spend a day or a week cam-whoring with those happy glasses!

* above pic taken from Project You site.

Here’s an inspiring quote to start this entry off to an awesome start, “Happiness consists more in small conveniences of pleasures that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom to a man in the course of his life.”
Benjamin Franklin – 

And so, this pair of sunglasses and I were inseparable for a week …

20 years of Animation: PIXAR

An exhibition that made me discover the inner child in me once more, being fascinated by the magical works of PIXAR … of how the combination of  technology, creativity and passion can create something so dimensional and life-like from something so simple.

Amigos Horse Riding in Malaysia

Let’s ride into the sunset! A pair of sunshine glasses to accompany me as I fulfill a childhood dream of mine to learn horse riding … Just the perfect combo!  🙂

Singapore Zoological Gardens

My BFF, Sara & I have always make it a point to visit the Zoo whenever she’s back for a visit. 2010 is no exception as we  desperately tried to find sometime, amidst our busy schedule, for a day trip to the zoo. The pair of sunglasses simply added more joy to our girly excursion as we soon found ourselves taking silly & fun poses with it. All in the name of fun!

Archie in lovely shades

To end this blog entry with a bang, I decided to post up my favourite pictures of the shades … and it’s pictures of Archie in those lovely shades! As much as I adore wearing those glasses everywhere I go, I can’t help but to admit that Archie does it better than I do! :p  What do you think?

La Vie en rose – Life through rose-coloured glasses. Literally. Wearing those funky glasses simply made my day and honestly, I tried my best to fit in as many activities that I possibly could within that week so that I can fully utilize it. This pair of glasses has since been posted to Larissa from Germany and to another member in Denmark! Funny how something as tiny as a pair of  glasses could add such significant joy to our lives! 🙂 A shout out to all friends and readers, do visit Project You to find out how you can join in the fun too! 

. a WILD night in orchard towers .

Bored of the usual birthday celebrations in restaurants, the girls decided it’s about time that the boys deserve a twist to the usual (boring) “Let’s get the birthday girl/boy a cake!” routine and instead, get a night that they will never forget! With that thought in mind, we finally settled on a night of madness and fun at a certain place that’s a hit amongst the ladyboys. Yes, there’s nowhere else that’s more famous for its ladyboys than Orchard Towers. It’s party time and we were all out to celebrate in our party props – Huge Party Specs and Sequins Bow Tie for the birthday boys! I wanted to get rainbow colour wigs for the boys, but the rest thought that’s just too crazy and absurd so perhaps, another time.

Living up to its reputation as the place to be for ladyboys, we spotted freaking hot and gorgeous “ladies” at every corner of the mall! Our first stop was “Crazy Horse” nightclub where we were treated to a sight of ladies and “ladies” gyrating and pole-dancing sexily to the music. Not satisfied with what we had seen thus far, zn’s buddy who’s familiar with Orchard Towers, then brought us over to another transsexual themed club, ROMEO. Romeo, Oh Romeo. OMG! The club was overcrowded with ladyboys … and immediately, it dawned upon us girls that we were probably the only 3 ladies there. Everyone else was perfectly manicured – C-cup boobs, long, silky and voluminous hair, endlessly long and slender legs and of course, all dressed in mini-dresses/skirts that enable them to flaunt their voluptuous figures … In short, the ideal figure that most ladies would die for. Nonetheless, we couldn’t help but felt extremely awkward and uneasy with so many pairs of eyes staring back at us. After all, boys are preferred over the girls. :p

However, our worries were uncalled for as most of the ladyboys were generally friendly to us, with some even trying to strike a decent conversation with us. For the guys, it was certainly a crazy albeit very uncomfortable night … being coerced to receive a kiss or two, getting their heads pushed between the silicon boobs, having the ladyboys sit on their laps and humped them, and may I add, cowgirl style!  Absolute madness. For the girls, it was a skin fest for our eyes to feast on. Of all my clubbing experience, my night at Romeo was definitely eye-opening … lots of frenching, humping, heavy petting and peek-a-boo. For the most part of the night, we were left dumbfounded by just how crazy the whole scene was. Didn’t take pics in either clubs as we were afraid that it might be too disrespectful but here are some pics that we took before we club-hopped.

The Birthday Boys – Jingwei & Victor

The best colleagues that I could ever asked for!