Tag Archives: National Geographic LIVE

. adventure through the lens: Bryan Smith .


Being a typical Sagittarius, I’m an adventurer at heart and lust after new experiences and discoveries. Being easily bored and restless is one of my weakness, so I’m always on the lookout for new and exciting activities or events to be engaged in. Looking back, I must admit that I was nowhere as outgoing or adventurous in the past. In fact, I was a very studious and introverted girl during my secondary school and junior college years – Think neatly tucked-in uniform, thick glasses, someone who spends most of her time at home instead of hitting town when the rest of the student population are out shopping, well … you get the drift. It is only through the process of growing up and gaining life experiences that I slowly began to develop my own identity, build my self-confidence and foster this spirit of adventure.

So, where does this brings me to? While I’m trapped behind the safe confines of my cubicle at work, I pretty much contented to have the weekends free to embark on my little adventure on our tiny red dot. However, more than anything, I live my life vicariously through adventurers and explorers who have taken a step off the well-trodden path and pushed the boundaries. It’s simply a breath of fresh air. And so, I attended the recent National Geographic LIVE talk show featuring adventure filmmaker, Bryan Smith. Are you fascinated by the jaw-dropping footage of extreme adventurers performing awe-inspiring stunts such as highlining between cliffs, ice mountain climbing, venturing into a volcano? Well, you will need someone behind-the-scenes to capture such breath-taking footage and this responsibility lies in the filmmaker whose fearless and adventuresome attitude brings them to some of the world’s most challenging environments.

Through Bryan’s storytelling and video snippets, I managed to get a glimpse of the life and work of an extreme adventurer behind the lens. From filming ice-climbing in -35 degrees temperature to trekking in the Grizzly bear-laden wilderness of Kamchatka in Russia, Bryan has done it all. While most people would probably gasp in fear about visiting such treacherous locations for work, it is exactly this type of stuff that makes him alive. Fear, according to Bryan, is inevitable but it is also his best asset because it drives him to fully focus on what he has to do at present. Fear is a double-edged sword. A good amount of rational fear keeps you on your toes and allows you to take calculated risk; Having too much fear within, however, can keep you from trying out new things in life and stick to the routine. Personally, I have been on both sides of the equation. Overcoming some of my fears such as trying out new things alone (like how I attended this talk show by myself) or swimming in the open sea are some of the best things I have done for myself because such spontaneity brings forth very unique and unforgettable moments in our lives. Yet, my fear of befriending uncertainty in some aspects have left me opting for the safer option, which isn’t too bad a thing but it allows a load of excuses to own me. In other words, there is a part of me that looks forward to changes and challenges but when that time approaches, I can practically come up with a list of excuses not to go forward with it. To cut the long story short, this is why I admire the people who are continuously pushing their limits, leaving no chance for regrets.

Looking forward to next year’s installment of the National Geographic LIVE talk show events where I can continue to live off these extraordinary adventures! 🙂 

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